Merry Christmas to all who have visited r/c sublog this past year!
It's been neat to monitor the visitor activity and it occurs to me that many of you have been dropping by and coming away empty. Was August really the last time I posted progress? Rest assured I've been working on the boat -- just haven't had time to post.
The bottleneck is the images. If I were only writing about the work that would be one thing. But if you can't see pictures it really isn't all that fun to follow is it? And the extra steps to shoot good images, download them, work them up in PhotoShop, and stick them in with the text is what has slowed things down. Nevertheless, I'm going to try to get back up to speed shortly.
So, hang in there and I'll get the images together for a series of posts: my final solution for side keel fastening; ready made rivets; phosphoric atomizer installation; rudder rack and pinion components; dive plane bearings; and more.
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